Private Psychiatric Care
Our Psychiatric Practice Is Accepting New Patients
Concierge Psychiatry
Our concierge psychiatric practice provides integrative, science-based treatment for mental health symptoms. We provide the highest standards of care and accessibility, in a caring and private environment, for all those struggling with distressing mental health symptoms. Concierge service is a different approach to psychiatric care. By limiting the number of patients we treat, everyone can receive thorough, timely attention with an emphasis on direct access and privacy. Your doctor is easily available, takes the time to thoroughly evaluate your condition, and knows you individually.
Extended appointment times allow for both you and your doctor to address all concerns completely without feeling rushed or pressured.
No long wait times or crowded waiting rooms. Our practice size is limited to guarantee this level of care. Flexible scheduling allows you to change your appointment time, and be accommodated within the same week, without needing to delay care and without financial penalty.
Review of medical records and acquisition of laboratory studies.
Access to the comfort and privacy of home visits or appointments by secure, online video sessions from your home or office.
Your physician is available to you 24/7 and can be contacted directly by email or cell phone.
Your doctor is available when you are hospitalized to communicate with hospital physicians and facilitate care.
Conditions Treated
Some of you may be seeking treatment for a diagnosis you have already received. For many others, you may be struggling with frightening thoughts, body sensations, behavior changes, or mood changes that don’t fit a specific diagnosis. You may have questions about what is causing these symptoms. Many people wonder if they are the only ones having these experiences. Not everyone meets the formal criteria for a mental health diagnosis, and we feel the emphasis should be on understanding any symptoms you are having and discovering if relief is possible. Your initial evaluation will include a thorough diagnostic assessment, and we will discuss potential treatments for your most troubling symptoms.
Symptoms We Treat
Diagnoses We Treat
Integrative, Evidence-Based Treatment
The integrative approach to mental health care addresses the neuroscience and medical aspects of symptoms, as well as the psychological, social, and emotional factors that are unique to each person.
Your doctor may combine traditional psychiatric medicine with more alternative methods of treatment. This includes assessment of underlying medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and sleep disorders.
The expert guidelines for the treatment of many mental health conditions recommend targeted forms of psychotherapy, often even before medications are used.
Scientific evidence has demonstrated that validated forms of therapy are effective as medications for many people. Therapy interventions provide lasting benefits without the side effects often inherent in medication treatment. Research has shown that some forms of therapy result in physical changes in the brain, effectively strengthening healthy brain circuits and weakening those that aren’t working correctly.
Asheville Integrative Psychiatry does not provide crisis intervention or crisis counseling for individuals who are not current clients. If you are not an established client and are in crisis, please go to your nearest emergency department or call one of the following:
• 911
• National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
• Mobile Crisis Hotline for Asheville and surrounding regions: 1-888-573-1006.